

Course Prerequisites: Knowledge of JavaScript equivalent to attending the JavaScript Programming course. Attendees should also have familiarity with a Windows, Linux, or OS X command line interface as well as a basic understanding of network protocols such as HTTP.




Day1 - About Node.js

Server Side JavaScript

The Event Loop

Asynchronous Execution


Node.js Architecture

Node.js Core Modules

Node.js Projects and Applications

Node.js Command Line Arguments

Node.js Global Environment


Global Objects

The process Object

Buffers and Buffer Manipulation

Day2 - - ES6 Enhancements

Arrow Functions

let and const Keywords

Enhanced Object Literals

Map and Set Collections

WeakMap and WeakSet Collections

String Template Literals

Day3 -- Installation and Configuration






Day4-- Programming Fundamentals with Node

Using Modules to Organize Code

Creating and Reusing Code with Modules

Asynchronous Programming Fundamentals

Using Callbacks to Handle Events

Using EventEmitters to Handle

Repeating Events

Type Testing with the util Module

The Node.js Module Loading System

Module Caching

Day5 - Unit Testing and Debugging with Node.js

Implementing Unit Tests with the Assert


Test Driven Development with Nodeunit

Behavioral Testing with Mocha

Facilitating Debugging with the Console


Working with the Node.js Debug Utility

Day6 - System and Data Interaction with Node

  • Interacting with the System Using the os Module
  • Working with the File System Using the fs and path Modules
  • Managing Data Flow with Pipes and Streams
  • Synchronous vs. Asynchronous File System Interaction
  • Using Buffers to Read and Manipulate Binary Data
  • Handling and Transforming File Path Information with the path Module
  • Spawning and Managing Processes using the process Module

Day7 - Data Persistence with Node.js

  • Data Persistence Mechanisms
  • MongoDB Capabilities
  • Connecting to MongoDB
  • Using the fs Module to Read and Write Files Synchronously and Asynchronously

Day8 - Web Application and Network Programming

  • Using Express to Rapidly Build and Deploy Web Applications
  • REST-Based Web Service Fundamentals